The Lady Bird Library is so vast, it was hard to capture it in one photo.

LBJ Ranch with the Johnson’s enjoying the beautiful Texas Hill Country with their dog, Yuki. Please notice the horses on the extreme right.

I love the extra care of little details, by wrapping my Grey mare’s head around the column.

Lady Bird, “Wildflowers are the stuff of my heart!”

Lady Bird striking a deal with a farmer for wildflower seeds.

Lady Bird quote and 3 mural panels

Lady Bird’s Mama with Bluebonnets memory.

Lady Bird’s Mom (left) Young Lady Bird curtsying to the first flower of Spring.

Lady Bird Quote and mural.

There was a lot to do before the program. Fun photos. We’re in front of the LBJ Ranch with students, Kathi, Staci and Julie.

A quick photo with our wonderful hostess, Librarians, Staci Bonnin and Julie Mulkey. Kathi and I stay busy signing books for all of the teachers and staff!

We left the library to give a program in the cafeteria, about the new Barbers Hill School, Library and our journey to create a book about Lady Bird’s environmental mission.
right-Principal Lisa Watkins,
left-Librarians Julie Mulkey and Staci Bonnin,
middle-Joy Fisher Hein and Kathi Appelt

Kathi and I share our journey creating our Lady Bird book. We end the program with great questions from our lovely audience.

We returned to the Lady Bird Library, for a lovely reception and book signing. The line of gracious book lovers goes out the door!

Book Signing line wrapping all around the library. A peek at all 4 murals on the right wall.

Wow! So many new friends to meet. Only time for a little visit and signing of our book so book readers, especially little ones, don’t need to stay in line too long.

So much fun, hearing wildflower stories from little ones and signing over 350 books.

Kathi Appelt and I signed 350 books and visited with so many delightful new friends.

”Now, whenever you travel through the countryside and you see a field of wildflowers, learn their names. As you pass by, call out, “Thank you, Miss Lady Bird!” And remember that it hasn’t always been this way. These flowers are ours to keep. They’re ours to tend. They’re the “stuff of our hearts.""

What a surprise to see a banner with my quote!

”Creating art with colors, shapes, music, writing or theater, opens our hearts and minds to all the wonders of the universe.” Joy Fisher Hein

Kathi Appelt, Joy, Julie Mulkey and her grandchildren. Such a day to remember!

Kathi holds our book. I have our book opened to the pages about the LBJ Ranch. I love how large the wildflowers are.

Holly Hein Parker, daughter, artist and photographer of Library Celebration with her mom, Illustrator, Joy Fisher Hein